May 13 2012 The Garden Series Part Two
After the time we spent in God's presence shifted to the message, Pastor David talks about the Kingdom of Heaven that we all have access t and actively pursuing it. Do you believe man or o you believe God? Walk in the fullness of God's grace! source
Garden Series-The Template May 20 2012
Do you feel like you are separated from God even being a christian? The Garden was made for God to have private intimacy with us and from it flows the rivers of the Holy Spirit, breakthrough, acceleration and fruitfulness! God is married to the backslider, so never...
Worship May 20, 2012 with Jacob Lampley
We were honored to have Jacob Lampley lead our worship this day! If you would like more information on him, go to source
Your Love Is Like by Rick Pino Special Peformance By Brittany Ennis and Freddy Flannagan
May 27 2012 Worship Time
This was the most we have ever felt the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit! source
May 27 2012 The Garden Series How Turned Are You.MTS
Repentance is turning away from sin... how turned are you? The sins you choose to do are an indication of your relationship with God. To repent is to return to a pinnacle, in this case, that pinnacle is the view of God. Focus on the Kingdom of God that dwells in you...
June 3 2012 Garden Series-Germation
Some of us feel like we have been setting away shelved...The seasons and the timings are in GOD's hand but the surrender is in yours. source