How many people want to change? How many people want to be glory carriers? Jesus teaches as one who has authority which means His word carried weight. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives within you so your transformation is on your mouth. It is time...
July 15, 2012 Worship
Our Worship and Praise session from July 15, 2012! source
July 22, 2012 Special: Drama Team “Forgiven”
The Drama Team ministers to "Forgiven" by Skillet. source
July 22, 2012 The Annoiting flowing from God through Micheal Rowan
God shows up in a big way, we love it when Daddy's presence is made manifest! source
July 22, 2012 Special Guest Micheal Rowan
Micheal joins us from Texas and brings the word in a special, in your face way. Using his passion for God in unorthodox ways, he will bring you both laughter, conviction and comfort in his message about the true grace of God over your life! source
July 22, 2012 Worship with special guest Luke Billman
Join us as we worship with Luke Billman as they come visit from their home... as missionaries in Brazil! The annointing pours from the throne! source
July 29, 2012 Praise and Worship
Praise and Worship from our July 29th service. source
July 29, 2012 “Treasured”
Do you know you are treasured by God? Jesus planted a treasure in you and then sold all He had to give you the power to find it. Now that you have found it, it is time to help others find it for themselves. source