#sharethis #OHWC2022 #satisfied Open Heavens Women’s Conference “Fully Satisfied” is here, October 13-16, 2022. Don’t miss out! It is going to transform lives. You will get refreshed, empowered, and overflowing with the Peace, Love and Joy of your salvation! OHWC is a conference specifically designed to allow women of all ages and from all backgrounds to be themselves and to be free to enter the presence of HOLY SPIRIT. We set the atmosphere specifically for women to feel comfortable and relaxed so they feel safe to connect with GOD right where they’re are; whatever the need, and bring the change we all need from deep within to become the woman GOD has called and created us to be.
Pastor Tracy loves JESUS. She is a firm believer that many shall come to know Him and the truth will set them FREE!!! Because she is in Love with GOD, she loves others HIS way. She truly wants to be a blessing to everyone around her, laboring until CHRIST is formed in people and the only thing left to see is HIS presence through all. Let HIS Light shine for all men/women to see.
Register today!
$40 bring a friend
Thur 10/13/22 7:00pm
Fri 10/14/22 2:30pm & 7:00pm
Sat 10/15/22 10:00am, 2:30pm, & 7:00pm
Sun 10/16/22 10:00am, 2:30pm, & 6:30pm (Open to RHSS students only)
Childcare available at all 7:00pm services.
We can’t wait for this incredible event with special guest Carmela Myles along with Prophetess Darlene Curry, Kim Abbott, Heather Clark, Christy Cook-Smith, Davina Kerr, Josie Barton, Sheila Braun, Jacque McConnell and hosted by Pastor Tracy Whittington. Set your calendars ladies!
