Ongoing Events & Ministries

AAHOP (Anne Arundel House of Prayer)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday 10:00am – 2:00pm

The prayer house is a time to be in the presences of the Lord. To give unto God through worship and communication, and if your in need of prayer there are people there to pray with you. At times the spirit moves through peace or Warfare birthing powerful prophecy. If you’re interested in growing in your prayer life this is the place to be. 

Tuesday Night Discipleship
🕖 7:00 PM

 We are VERY excited to introduce exciting topics and breakout sessions!  Don’t miss this opportunity to grow in the Kingdom!
Here are some of the exciting topics we will be teaching on:

Emotional intelligence


Self discipline

Grow my faith

Health and healing

Food Ministry

Every Wednesday

If you are in need of food please contact  Joe. We will be giving food out on a daily basis.

All food is “First Come, First Serve,” once the food is gone the food ministry will end.

If you any questions or would like to serve in this ministry please contact:
Contact Joe Cool (443) 257-5038 

Meets Thursdays at 9:00am at the Honey Bee in Glen Burnie

Meets Saturdays at 12:00pm

Monthly – 2nd & 4th Thursday in the Fellowship Hall

6:30 pm

Monthly on 3rd Thursday in the Fellowship Hall

7:00 pm

Weekly Prayer Call

Every Thursday 7:00am

Open Heavens Children’s Ministry

Every Sunday at 10:00am in Fellowship Hall

Meet the 4th Saturday of every month

6:30pm Bring a Dish for fellowship meal

7:00pm Marriage class begins

Prophetic Training

2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at 1:15pm


Deliverance Training

3rd Sunday of each month
After 10:00am Service – Fellowship Hall

See John Sweetland for more information.

Sons & Daughters – Quarterly



Stay in Touch


502 Victory Way
Pasadena MD, 21122

Office Answering Line:
(443) 679-3955