3-Year Licensing Program
Work toward becoming a licensed minister in a prophetic environment. Our students will learn to embrace their glorious new identity in Christ, how to carry revival in a culture of honor, and how to extend the borders of the Kingdom through a supernatural Heaven-on-Earth lifestyle.
Registration is Easy.
You will find the process of registering easy. We personally review all registrations to ensure that our students are ready to engage in the online or onsite classroom.

Gifts of the Spirit
Discover what the Gifts of the Spirit and what your personal giftings are

Entering the presence of God in worship is where transformation happens

Identity in Christ
Learn how salvation transforms and empowers you to live victoriously

Angelic Realm
Learn about angels, how they interact with us, and their role in the Kingdom

Power of Evangelism
Signs and wonders follow the proclamation of the Gospel: Great Commission

So Much More
There are dozens of topics covered in the school that will grow your spiritual life