Day 17

January 25, 2023

Day 17

Are there any areas of prayer that have become performance based and not relationship based?  Are you still seeking, pursuing, praying, and enjoying your time with Father God?  Are you praying by faith or by obligation?  Has your prayer become routine or legalistic with a checkbox or quota that needs to be met?  Is there a lack of joy or freshness when you are praying?  Take a few minutes and come before the Father and ask HIm to forgive you and to refresh you.  Ask Him to fill your mouth with praise, adoration, joy, and a newness for prayer.  Ask Him to remove the legalism from your heart and from your mouth.  Ask Him to show you a more excellent way to pray for what He has laid on your heart.  Ask Him to remove the influences from the flesh in your prayer life.  Maybe begin to add worship music around you, find a new place to pray, do a specific prophetic act, or walk a new prayer perimeter around your home or neighborhood.

THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit. [John 3:18.]

Romans 8:1 AMPC

Excerpt from The Happy Intercessor, by Beni Johnson, page 64 – “We had just finished our prayer house but hadn’t completed the landscape yet.  We decided that we would ‘bury the hatchet’ on the north side of the prayer house.  That would be the perfect spot.  We took a small group of people, and as a prophetic symbolic act, we buried it right in the ground.  That was one of the first prophetic acts that we did together over our region.” – Beni Johnson

Papa God, we ask for a renewal of our minds.  Fill our mouths and refresh us with praise and admiration, joy and a newness in our prayers.  We open our mouths for You to fill them with the goodness of Your Word.  We ask You to forgive us if we thrive on being performance based that turns into legalistic minds and we become carnel, we ask You to remove all carnality from our hearts and minds.  Help us not let our flesh get in the way or influence our prayers.  Let us do new things, like put on worship music, go on a prayer walk, listen to Your heart on every matter and do prophetic acts.  We thank You that we will take action to see Your promises be manifested by faith in Jesus’ Name!