Day 16

January 24, 2023

Day 16

What does your time alone with God look like, sound like, feel like?  Do you have every intention to get alone with Him and then something else interrupts your time together?  When was the last time you heard for yourself the voice of God, whether by the Spirit or audible?  Giving Father God our time is very important and it is part of us being mutual in the relationship.  In 2023, what does your space or quiet place look like, sound like, and feel like?  How can you intentionally make the space more intimate and personal to your relationship with Papa God?  What can you sustain in your consecrated space this year that makes this your best year yet with your heavenly Father?  How will you say no to certain distractions in order to put the intimacy with the Father first in your life?

And when daybreak came, He left [Peter’s house] and went into an isolated [desert] place. And the people looked for Him until they came up to Him and tried to prevent Him from leaving them.

Luke 4:42 AMPC

Excerpt from The Happy Intercessor, by Beni Johnson, page 54 – “As I listened more, I had a sense that God was speaking to me about the coming year – that 2008 would be a year of stabilization.  The things that had been out of place would be brought back and stabilized.  Not only that, but we as believers would also be the stabilizers.  We would bring a stabilizing force where it was needed.” – Beni Johnson

Papa God, we thank You that when we ask and believe we receive and see signs, wonders and miracles.  We desire to sit in Your presence and dance on Your feet.  Father God, fill us with joy so we can feel Your strength when we need it the most.  We thank You for so many blessings that come from our obedience to You, we want to serve and to build Your Kingdom under the covering of Your Love!  Guide us into all Your truth and understanding.  We declare this by faith in Jesus Name!