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Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim.
Sunday Service 2:30PM ~ Apostle David Whittington ~ 1/22/23
We believe with a firm conviction that we are in a season of the greatest outpouring of God’s Spirit in the earth. As believers, we are responsible for positioning our lives properly to receive and be faithful with what God desires to release into our hands. We...
Sunday Service 10:00AM ~ Apostle David Whittington ~ 1/22/23
We believe with a firm conviction that we are in a season of the greatest outpouring of God’s Spirit in the earth. As believers, we are responsible for positioning our lives properly to receive and be faithful with what God desires to release into our hands. We...
Victorious Intercession: 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Day 15 January 23, 2023 Day 15 How do you feel emotionally right now? How does your body physically feel? Are you getting enough rest and spending enough time in prayer and the word? Have you lost momentum and need to regroup? Your body is an...
Victorious Intercession: 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Day 13 January 21, 2023 Day 13 Focusing on God and who He is each day will bring healing, spiritually,physically,emotionally,mentally and financially. Give glory to God as you focus on His goodness, faithfulness, mercy,grace, love and greatness. Focusing daily on...
Victorious Intercession: 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Day 11 January 19, 2023 Day 11 We must receive God’s grace to have a relationship with Him. If we deny grace, then we pursue God in wrong ways. God can never love us anymore then he does even if we fast more, pray more or read our Bible, He just knows that it brings...
Victorious Intercession: 21 Days of Fasting & Prayer
Day 9 January 17, 2023 Day 9 When we experience stagnation in our relationship with God for whatever reason, we must be willing to surrender again and again. This must be the first step to rekindling the fire within! We need to tell the Holy Spirit that we surrender...